A woman wearing a plaid shirt stands gazing towards the horizon, soaking in the warm glow of the sun during golden hour, symbolizing natural wellness and the benefits of sun exposure for Vitamin D.

Top 5 Ways to Boost Immunity Naturally Everyday

Imagine the immune system as the gatekeeper and determining factor of our health.

The immune system is an interactive network of specialized organs, cells and tissues that all work together to destroy any invaders.

Everyday our immune system works to protect us and we don’t even notice it. It is working to remove any pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites that the body does not recognize or poses a potential threat.

When we have a properly functioning immune system we are less likely to face illness. However when our body’s defense is not functioning properly we are at greater risk of developing infections or other health conditions.

What we need to understand is that we can actually determine the health of our immune systems. Yes, there are situations where some individuals may be more susceptible to certain conditions but ultimately everyone can make lifestyle changes for building better immunity.

There are a number of things I could suggest when it comes to strengthening the immune system. I want to take this time and suggest simple things you can start implementing into your days that cost nothing or very little.

These are the very basics and what I suggest to everyone seeking change in their health, whether it’s with chronic issues or wanting improvement in one area of life.

1. Drink Clean Water

It is really important to check your water source before consumption. Most water coming from tap is most likely contaminated with chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. Both of these are advertised to provide benefits to your health but the risk outweighs the reward.

Try to avoid using plastic bottles as well. When exposed to heat chemicals like bishenol A (BPA) and phthalates are released into the water you are consuming. These chemicals mimic hormones in the body.

Well water could be an option, however it is possible for chemicals and fertilizers to become absorbed by the ground and enter our water sources. It may be a good idea to get your water tested to see it is a pure source or not.

I personally choose to use a Berkey water filter. However, there are many water filtration systems you can get installed in your home.

Remember if you are drinking water full of harmful chemicals that is extra work on the immune system to try and clear those out of your body.

2. Choose Whole Foods

A great rule of thumb is things that grow or were once alive are considered a whole food.

Whole Foods are nutrient dense foods providing your body sources of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and proteins. All of these things support the immune system.

Whole foods are much easier to break down because the body recognizes it and can proce

ss it into cellular information. Where processed foods are recognized as foreign and the body has to work to filter out what can be used and has to detox the rest.

3. Sunbathe

This one is my favorite!

While some people fear sun exposure due to possible cause of cancer, they’d be right.

However that is only due to overexposure to the sun and choosing the time of day for sun bathing is important. Going outside for a walk or laying in the sun for 30 mins is ideal between the hours of 8-10 am and 3-6 pm when th

e UV rays are lower.

This allows for a pleasurable experience and health promoting immunity boosting activity.

Not only does having the warmth of sunshine on your skin feel great it also helps raise Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D up regulates our ability to fight infections and chronic inflammation.

4. Get Good Quality Sleep

This is the time where your body needs to detox and restore.

Poor sleep has direct links to chronic health conditions and inflammation.

Trying to keep natural rhythms is key to good health such as sleeping at night rather than staying up late watching tv. Waking up with sun rise and getting the day started to return to bed once the sun goes down.

It is recommended for adults to get seven-eight hours of sleep per night. Trying to get to sleep between the hours of 10 pm-6 am for the best quality.

Poor quality of sleep can cause a number of health concerns to develop. To name a few this would include the promotion of diabetes, excess weight, heart disease, cancer and cognitive decline.

5. Learn To Breathe

Breath is the basis of life and the first thing I teach each of my patients how to do on their first visit to the office.

Most people actually breathe improperly using their chest for breath instead of belly breathing.

This actually creates a stress response in the body.

Bringing awareness to breath and consciously breathing properly helps tap into your parasympathetic nervous system which should be our resting state, otherwise known as rest or digest. Controlled breathing calms your brain helping with anxiety and emotional control.

Studies also find an increase in metabolism and immunity with proper breath.

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