A person's hand holding a clear glass sphere that beautifully refracts and flips the view of a calm blue lake and horizon, symbolizing clarity and purity.

Choose Your Water Wisely

Few would argue with the fact that water is essential to life on earth.

Water is necessary for nearly every bodily function; helping to carry oxygen and nutrients to our cells.

It is used to flush waste from the body and to help regulate internal body temperature. Water is needed to metabolize the foods we eat, lubricate joints and even acts as an insulator our brain and spinal cord.

So this should suggest that water is of relative importance, right? Do you ever consider the source of water you are drinking?

Did you know most of the water you drink from the tap is full of chemicals, hormones and even pharmaceuticals? That drinking water from a bottle is full of toxins leached from the plastic?

Even well water may be contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and other toxins that are dumped into our soils every year.

Our bodies are on constant assault by toxic substances which are really difficult to avoid.

When you drink water full of toxins your body is having to work over time to filtrate through and eliminate these daily. This causes a lot of extra stress on the body.

This means the most efficient way to detox is to provide your body with the purest and cleanest water you can find. Our blood, kidneys and liver require a source of good clean water to allow for this detoxification.

For my drinking water I personally use a Berkey water filter with the fluoride filters.

However, the water you drink shouldn’t be the only concern. The water you are immersing yourself with in the shower and the water evaporating in your toilet that is also full of harsh chemicals vaporizing into your home.

I personally do not have recommendations of particular brands at this time but know that you can have water filtration systems installed in your home. I would have the water tested in your home and then decide what your personal needs are. There are several options that work differently such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange and granular carbon filters.

If you have any questions pertaining to this information feel free to email me. I can direct you to sources for more information.

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